
Sunday, October 24, 2010

To Clean Microwave Oven

Mix 1/2 cup of vineger to 1/2 cup of water in a microwave safe bowl . Place the bowl inside the microwave and set the timer for 1 minute.Now the dirt inside the microwave would have loosened.Use a paper towel and clean it.This way it removes the odors too.

Artificial ripening of fruits

Everyone knows about the importance of fruits.  Fruits are known for its anti ageing and anti oxidant factors.  There are numerous health benefits involved in consuming fruits. In other words, its a nature gift to humans.  We do  have a plenty of variety to choose from and we take the advantage of the availability in the market.  Each one has its unique properties.  Having a fruit everyday keeps you far from all the illness.  All these are known factors to most of us.

So,what am I discussing about??  I recently read an article about the artificial ripening of fruits.  Though I was aware of this, I was not sure about the solution . So thought of sharing few tips and solution which will help you choose the right fruit . How close are we to nature when we consume these fruits? If they are a source of harmful chemicals as well, then are we heading towards a healthy life or otherwise?

 There are many chemicals which are used nowadays to ripen fruits.  Inappropriate use of these chemicals to fasten the ripening process leads to several health hazards.Few chemicals does not have any harmful substances but does alter the taste and nutritional value of the  fruits.  Besides ripening agents, farmers use pesticides to fruits and vegetables which is detrimental to our health. So,what are we suppose to consume and how, is a big question mark?  We do have a solution to this, besides everything.Some people may think that this is an extra work to their additional work at home,but spending few more minutes leads everyone to a healthy life.

  • Wash your fruits and vegetables in a big bowl of water with a teaspoon of salt added to it .
  • Sprinkle some lemon to the bowl and allow the fruits to float in the bowl for 5 to 7 minutes.
  • Then drain the water  and rinse them with a plain water.Allow them to dry and consume.

While picking or buying your fruits,Make sure there no nail marks,punctures or  powdered application on the fruits.