
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Health Benefits of Bananas

Bananas are available through out the year and it is a great source of instant energy.Bananas are good source of Fiber,Vitamin C,Magnesium and Potassium.There are numerous health benefits which is  obtained by eating Bananas. 
  • Bananas are rich in Vitamin B6 that improves nerve function.
  • Bananas are high in potassium which regulates body's water balance,thus preventing high blood pressure.
  • Bananas has a natural antacid effect in the body, which are great in treating heartburn.
  • The Pro biotic Bacteria(friendly bacteria) in Bananas helps in increasing our body's ability to absorb calcium,resulting in healthy bones.
  • Bananas are rich in fiber,which helps restore normal bowel function.
  • Bananas are great in treating Anemia,Constipation,Diarrhea.
  • Bananas helps  in eyesight protection.
  • Bananas are a good post exercise snack,indeed a very good snack between meals.
  • Bananas may be one of the best food in attempting to lose weight.
  • Bananas can be used in Cereals,Milk shakes,Smoothies,Fruit Salad.
Tip to ripen  Bananas faster:
Place the bananas along with a tomato or an apple in a paper bag and leave over night.

Nutritional Benefits of Bananas:
Serving size : 1 medium size banana.
Calories :110

Vitamin B6 :  0.7mg (20% of daily recommended value)
Dietary fiber : 4g(16% of daily recommended value)
Vitamin C :  11mg (16% of daily recommended value)
Potassium :400 mg(10% of daily recommended value)

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