
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Are plastic containers safe?

Now a days plastics have replaced almost everything right from metal to wooden items.  Plastics are light and durable which makes it a favourite for use.  While it is great to use plastics in many applications, is it good to use them as food  containers?  Plastic containers and bottles have been widely used in our everyday life now. Do you ever think that these plastics can contain harmful chemicals???

While many of us are not aware of BPA or bisphenol-a, this is the substance which is used in unbreakable hard plastic called poly carbonate.This is a chemical which can leak from the polycarbonate into food and liquids when you use abrasives or detergent to clean or expose them to high temperatures.  There is a big debate  until date to determine if BPA is harmful to humans or not.  While some have claimed that it can cause cancer, genital defects, behavioural problems and hyperactivity, others point out that there is no conclusive evidence for its effects. 
While the scientists may keep arguing, as risk averse moms, it would make sense to keep away from this until it is proved safe.  In order to avoid exposure to these probable harmful chemicals,we should make sure that the plastic we purchase from the market is BPA free safe to use.
Now the question you may have is 'How in the world would I know if the plastic contains BPA?'.  Well, look for the number in the containers (usually found in the bottom or in the side) which is between the triangle of chasing arrows.  If it shows 7 (which is inside a triangle of chasing arrows) category, then the plastic is usually polycarbonate and contains BPA.  Plastic with numbers 2, 4 and 5 are generally regarded as safe.

Measures to avoid BPA leach into the food:

1.Use glass containers, stainless steel and porcelain instead of plastic.
2.Avoid placing plastic containers in the microwave even though the manufacturers says its microwave safe.
3.Purchase a BPA free containers.

What are you waiting for girls? Go and check all the food containers that your family use (specially bottles) and replace them with safe alternatives.  Have a safe BPA free time.

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