
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Nature's Cure: Cold Remedy

As winter is approaching, it would be very common to see our family members catch cold. I thought of sharing this wonderful home made remedy for cold, which is very effective.  No need to think of  pharmacy for cold medicine, it is in your kitchen pantry and completely natural.  I have used only items from kitchen pantry and you need not go out to buy something special for this.  Tulsi or basil leaves plays an important role in this recipe.  As many of us know tulsi or basil leaves fights against most infections.
I know  it is not easy to grow tulsi at home for  everyone, so you can try out for dry basil leaves in the market.  For those who live in U.S, you get dry basil leaves in any grocery store.  Look out for dry basil leaves in seasoning aisle in any grocery store.  Same way you can look for dry ginger powder too.  I tried in many ways to have a natural remedy for cold as it occurs very frequently and many of us especially moms would try to avoid cold medicine (store bought) everyday to our kids.  This is the best concoction, which really work wonders. 
I believe you have all the ingredients in your kitchen pantry except basil leaves.  If you have fresh basil  leaves, that would be excellent, but even dried ones works equally good.  Lets start with our recipe.


Basil(Tulsi)     - 1/2 teaspoon
Pepper powder - 1/2 teaspoon
Turmeric          - 1/4 teaspoon
Ginger powder  - 1/2 teaspoon
Garlic pods       - 2
Honey              - 1 tablespoon

Method :

Boil 1 cup of water, add all the above ingredients to the boiling water except honey.  Let this mixture boil until it is reduced to 1/4 of the quantity.  Now switch off the stove, strain the mixture add a tablespoon of honey and mix it thoroughly.  Leave the mixture for sometime.  Drink it when it is lukewarm.  Continue drinking this recipe for at least 5 to 7 days and you will find the difference. This could also be a good preventive medicine to take  occasionally.  Be sure to drink lot of water as hydration is important when you have cold and it helps in balancing the body heat when you take this medicine.

Health Benefits :
  • Turmeric        - Anti-viral, Anti-bacterial and Anti-biotic.
  • Ginger           - Expectorant, Anti-bacterial etc
  • Black pepper  - Anti-bacterial and Anti-oxidant.  Effective against cold, cough and congestion.
  • Garlic            - Anti-viral,  Anti-bacterial
  • Basil             - Anti-inflammatory.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good kashayam receipe. Post more such granny goodies.

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