
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A whole grain snack - Popcorn

Contrary to the belief, popcorn is one of the healthiest snack, yet the tastiest. Movies are not complete without popcorn to enjoy. This whole grain snack has lot of nutritional benefits. But the health benefits of this wonderful whole grain may turn otherwise, if it prepared in an unhealthy way. It is also a great snack for sporting event and shopping malls. It is always better to prepare pop corns using stove top or air popped. Bagged microwaveable pop corns are not always healthy,with the amount of trans fat included in the bag. They are very high in sodium too. So,why not try the traditional way, which is much simple to prepare and healthy to eat. Air popping the kernels using microwave is also a healthy way of preparing popcorn.

Air popping method:

In a brown paper bag, add 2 to 3 tablespoon of popcorn kernels. Just fold the bag and tape them. Let it cook for a minute or 2 in the microwave. Once all the kernels are popped, add some flavorings and seasonings.

Method to prepare popcorn using stove top:

Heat a heavy bottomed pan (like prestige pan) with a tablespoon of butter or oil. Add a cup of popcorn kernels, cover the lid in such a way that the  air can escape while popcorn pops. After a few minutes, kernels would start popping, shake them a bit, ensuring kernels are not burned and wait till the popping sound slows down. Switch off the stove when popping frequency is lesser than 1 pop in 2 seconds and add some favorite seasonings along with salt.

Nutrition Facts:
  • It is rich in protein than any other grains.
  • It is a good source of iron and vitamin E.
  • It is high in dietary fiber.
  • It has no cholesterol.
  • It is very low in calories and fat.

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